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Dallas Cowboys Snap Count Analysis

Defensive Linemen - Weeks 1 to 18

What are NFL Snap Counts?
Snap counts represent the total number of plays a defensive lineman participated in. Higher snap counts and percentages indicate that the player had more opportunities throughout his games. To view snap stats by week, check out our Snap Count Leaders report.

Player TeamGamesSnapsSnaps/GmSnap %Tackle %Sack %QB Hit % Fantasy Pts Pts/100 Snaps
DeMarcus LawrenceDAL4167426242041.925.1
Carl LawsonDAL15401274121050.712.6
Osa OdighizuwaDAL17860517831090.510.5
Chauncey GolstonDAL177914771410115.814.6
Mazi SmithDAL17526314840061.711.7
Tyrus WheatDAL7165243640019.011.5
Marshawn KneelandDAL11256233630021.28.3