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Dissenting Opinions: Football Rankings

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Tera Roberts - Yahoo

Kate Magdziuk - Yahoo

Andy Behrens - Yahoo

Matt Harmon - Yahoo

Dalton Del Don - Yahoo

Scott Pianowski - Yahoo

Dave Richard - CBS Sports

Jamey Eisenberg - CBS Sports

Site Rankings - FFToday

Jody Smith - FullTime Fantasy

Site Rankings - FullTime Fantasy

Jeff Bell - Footballguys

Dave Kluge - Footballguys

Joey Wright - Footballguys

Mike Maher - FantasyPros

Chris Welsh - FantasyPros

Mike Fanelli - FantasyPros

Aaron Larson - FantasyPros

Joe Pisapia - FantasyPros

Lee Wehry - FantasyPros

Andrew Erickson - FantasyPros

Pat Fitzmaurice - FantasyPros

Derek Brown - FantasyPros

Walter Cherepinsky - Walter Football

Ryan Noonan - 4for4

Rudy Gamble - Razzball

Site Projections - numberFire

Shane Hallam - Draft Sharks

Alex Korff - Draft Sharks

Kevin English - Draft Sharks

Jared Smola - Draft Sharks

Matt Schauf - Draft Sharks

John Hesterman - Dynasty League Football

Site Rankings - The FF Ghost

Kevin Hanson - EDSFootball

Dan Yanotchko - EDSFootball

Elisha Twerski - USA Today

Jason Willan - Gridiron Experts

Zach Greubel - Gridiron Experts

Site Rankings - Gridiron Experts

Todd D Clark - The Fantasy Fix

Mike MacGregor - Draft Buddy

Raju Byfield - WinMyFantasyLeague

Muntradamus - Beast Dome

Jeff Paur - RTSports

David Biggs - Drink Five

Mike Harmon - Swollen Dome

Kev Mahserejian - RotoBaller

Scott Engel - RotoBaller

Jamie Calandro - RotoBaller

Ellis Johnson - Rotoballer

Nick Mariano - RotoBaller

Brandon Murchison - RotoBaller

Michael Tomlin - Fantasy Six Pack

Richard Savill - Fantasy Six Pack

Nick Spencer - Fantasy Six Pack

Dennis Sosic - Fantasy Six Pack

Joe Bond - Fantasy Six Pack

Steve Hungarter - Fantasy Six Pack

Keith Lott - Fantasy Six Pack

Kevin Roberts - Breaking Football

Jeff Boggis - Fantasy Football Empire

Christopher Gimino - RotoGrinders

Joe Serpico - Pressbox

Mick Ciallela - Fantrax

Joe Beldner - The Fantasy Footballers

Francisco (Chato) Romero - Estadio Fantasy

Mauricio Gutierrez - Estadio Fantasy

Matt De Lima - DraftKings

Kyle Senra - Going For 2

Matthew Hill - DataForce Fantasy Football

Robert Norton - Last Word On Sports

Rich Piazza - Fantasy Shed

Justin Sablich - 5th Down Fantasy

Wolf of Roto Street - Roto Street Journal

Marc Shannep - Fantasy Knockout

Zach Brunner - FlurrySports

Drew DeLuca - QB List

Jacob Hubman - The Fantasy Headliners

Nick Zylak - Fantasy Football Advice

Daniel Mader - Fantasy Football Advice Network

Jorge B. Edwards - Fantasy In Frames

Andrew Scott - Fantasy In Frames

Nate Marcum - Fantasy In Frames

Sean Koerner - The Action Network

Chris Raybon - The Action Network

Tal Malachovsky - The Fantasy Scout

Jacob Gibbs - SportsLine

Bart Wheeler - Hail to Fantasy Football

James Emrick-Wilson - Armchair Scouting

Ryan Hicks - Belly Up Sports

Jaime Eisner - The Draft Network

Michelle Magdziuk - BallBlast Podcast

Kyle Soppe - Pro Football Network

Steven Pintado - The Fantasy Coaches

Neema Hodjat - Real GM

Chalk - The Undroppables

Coach Craig Sports - True North Fantasy Football

Adam Murfet - 5 Yard Rush

Mark Ringo - Sleepers and Busts

Fantasy BR - Staff Rankings

Ben Wasley - The Fantasy First Down

Jeremy Popielarz - FTN

Mike Randle - FTN

Bradley Stalder - Player Profiler

Wyatt Bertolone - JWB Fantasy Football

Tyler Orginski - JWB Fantasy Football

Schuyler Malak - JWB Fantasy Football

Chris Dell - Betting Predators

Kyle Krajewski - First Seed Sports

Clayton Cadieux - Fantasy Football From Up North

Matt Donnelly - Dynasty Vipers

David Heilman - Sports Gambling Podcast Network

Dylan Licciardo - FF Gamers

Guilherme Gianni - Fantasy Futebolista

Anthony Cervino - FF Faceoff

Michael Hauff - FF Faceoff

Steve DeAngelo - FF Faceoff

Frank Ammirante - The Game Day

Nic Bodiford - NerdBall Fantasy Football

Rob Waziak - Fantasy Life

Chris Kennedy - Dr. Roto

Justin Jaksa - Dr. Roto

Ed Birdsall - Talking Points Sports

Tom Strachan - NFL Best Ball

Ryan Weisse - Club Fantasy FFL

Liz Loza - LizLoza_FF

Matt Olson - 32 Beat Writers

C.H. Herms - The 33rd Team

Michael Bobal - The 33rd Team

Adam Dove - The Fantasy Couriers

Smitty - TheFantasyFootballShow

Justin Fuhr - Pro Football Mania

MasterIDP - RPO Football

Joe Orrico - No Expert Fantasy Football

Jacob Dunne - SportsEthos

Freeman Smith - FAAB Lab

Brad Beatson - Bandit Football

Kyle Cunningham-Rhoads - The Analyst

Aaron St Denis - Fantasy Football Universe

Andrew Leduc - That Sports Podcast Network

Kev Wheeler - Wheel Route FF

Kyle Yates - Yates Fantasy Football

James Koh - Sleeper King Football