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Hey, I’m Dave, one of the founders of FantasyPros. Here’s a little background on our website and the products we offer. We hope you find our free tools helpful in your pursuit of a league championship!


The idea to start FantasyPros came from my struggles with one simple but agonizing question, “Who should I start?” There was no shortage of advice and it seemed like everyone had an opinion…even my lucky coin (which I actually used on some Sunday mornings when I just couldn’t make up my mind). The problem was, no matter how much advice I found, I still had no idea whose advice I could trust. Sure, some guys seemed to know their stuff more than others and some sites were more popular than others, but at the end of the day there was no objective way to tell who was really an expert.

fantasy football coin flip

My lucky "Who should I start?" coin wasn't so lucky last year.


That’s when I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool if we could track people’s advice and rate the accuracy of their predictions?” I’d personally give a lot more weight to an expert’s opinion if I knew he had a proven history of giving solid advice. A couple friends agreed and we teamed up to figure out a way to get it done.  Our 2009 Accuracy Rankings are a result of a proprietary process that we believe is the best way to measure fantasy expertise. We knew it was critical for our accuracy assessments to be accurate, so we invested a large amount of time and energy to get it done right.


Accuracy ratings were just the beginning though. We realized that the data we were collecting for accuracy assessments could be organized in a way to make it simple for people to get specific advice for questions like “Who should I start?” Since that’s the core of what we’re trying to help people with, it was an easy decision to build our Fantasy Advice Search Tool (FAST™). Just plug in the players you want to compare and FAST™ will instantly give you a summary of expert opinions, match-up considerations, news, articles, and more – everything you need to make a fast but smart decision.


“Fast” quickly became not just a product name, but really the core benefit that we want all our products to provide. In the world of fantasy sports, there’s just too much information and not enough time. We want to make keeping up with the competition easier and faster for you. To do this, we offer products like our Consensus Cheatsheets where you can instantly get consolidated rankings for any or all of the experts we track. We also offer a MyPlaybook dashboard that automatically tracks and organizes advice specific to your players, and an automated Alert service that keeps you informed of important updates.


We hope FantasyPros helps you find fast and accurate advice that helps you win. We’re really proud of what we’ve put together but we also know that it’s your opinion that counts. Please give us a try and let us know what you think. We promise to listen and enhance our offerings…fast.


Thanks and good luck this season!


Dave, Tom, and Andrew