At TeamRankings, we specialize in providing the world’s most sophisticated picks, tools and analysis for sports pools. From NFL survivor and pick’em pools, to college football pools and bowl season pick’ems, to March Madness bracket pools, our subscribers win prizes in these contests far more often than expected.
Office pool players use TeamRankings for the same reason that you use FantasyPros. You’re serious about winning, and given what’s on the line, you’re willing to pay a bit of money for the edge you get by having the best tools and information.
To help you understand exactly what we mean, here’s a comprehensive list of the unique features and content we offer. If you’d like to try these tools out for yourself, make sure you sign up for our free trial:
NFL Survivor Pool Picks, Tools & Analysis
In a traditional NFL survivor pool, you pick one team per week, and you “survive” to play again the next week only if your pick wins. However, in most survivor pools you can only pick each team once per season. As a result, maximizing your odds to win a survivor pool requires a complex weekly evaluation of risk vs. reward for every possible pick.
My Pool Picks
We’ve built the only product on the market that customizes pick recommendations for your NFL survivor pools. Factors like the number of entries in your pool (which, of course, changes week to week) as well as your pool’s rules can have a big influence on your optimal pick strategy. Our system automatically adjusts survivor pick advice based on rules such as strikes or buy-backs allowed, future weeks that require multiple picks, and more. You can even optimize a survivor pick portfolio of up to 30 unique picks each week, if you’re playing multiple entries on are in multiple pools.
Season Planner Tool
The season planner tool that allows you to model future pick scenarios and plan out possibilities for the survivor season. Using a grid format, we show every team’s projected win odds, opponent, and game location for every future week. In a glance, you can then see where the danger spots and potential value plays lie on the future survivor schedule, and can chart your own potential paths of picks through Week 17. Clicking on a particular team in a particular future week selects a team as your choice, and removes them as an option in other weeks.
Optimal Path Tool
The optimal path tool crunches all the numbers to show you the sequence of future picks that currently either (1) maximizes your expected winnings from your survival pool, or (2) maximizes your chances of surviving until the end of the regular season. Why might those be different? Because winning a survivor pool isn’t just about making the safest pick each week. Sometimes, picking a riskier team that very unpopular can give you a big expected value boost over your survivor pool opponents.
Data Grid
The Data Grid is a quick source of all the key information you need to know when you are comparing potential survivor picks for a given week, including win odds, point spread, money line odds, public pick popularity, current week EV (Expected Value), and future value for every team. You can quickly sort the grid by different categories, to see which picks are the most popular, which are the safest, and which offer the best combination of both risk and potential reward each week.
EV Calculator
Understanding the Expected Value of every possible pick each week is a critical aspect of survivor pool strategy. (If you’re unfamiliar with the term, here is a detailed article explaining expected value.) It’s a complicated metric to calculate because it depends in part on what percentage of your opponents you expect to pick each team, but this simple tool does all the calculations for you at the click of a button. It’s especially useful for endgame strategy, when there are a small number of opponents left in your pool, and you have a good sense of what teams they are likely to pick.
News And Notes
If you want to know why certain teams are likely to be great picks for your pool, or why specific survivor pool rules would favor picking one team over another, there’s a good chance we will discuss it in our weekly news and notes log. On a near-daily basis, we highlight breaking news, injury situations, betting line movement, and other dynamics impacting the current week’s survivor pick calculus. Savvy survivor pool players know that a lot can change between Tuesday and the kickoff of Sunday’s games, and we keep survivor players in the know about what matters.
Q&A Forum
Data and math are at the heart of everything we do, but being a TeamRankings subscriber also means being part of a community of serious pool players committed to staying a step ahead of the competition. Our Q&A Forum for premium subscribers gives you a direct line to the team that built our NFL Survivor Picks product, offering you the opportunity to ask specific questions about how to use our tools, why certain teams may be getting recommended to you, or to ask for consultation on any other unique survivor scenarios that may arise.
Ready to give it a spin? Sign up for a free trial or learn more about our NFL Survivor Picks product.
Football Pick’em Pool Picks, Tools & Analysis
In an NFL or college football pick’em pool, you have to pick the winners (or point spread winners) of a number of games each week. You may also need to assign confidence points to each of your picks, and pools can award weekly prizes, end-of-season prizes, or both.
My Pool Picks
As with survivor pools, we also provide customized pick advice for football pick’em contests and confidence pools across a variety of formats. Factors like the number of entries in your pool, its payout structure (e.g. season prizes, weekly prizes, or both), and your current position in the pool standings can all impact your best pick strategy, and our system automatically takes them into account. The types of pick’em pool variations we cover include game winner pools, point spread based pools, fixed point scoring, confidence point scoring, and pools that require you to select and pick a subset of games each week (such as a “Pick Five” or “Pick Six” pool).
Quick Picks
We always suggest you provide our system with some details about your pick’em pool so we can provide customized weekly pick advice. But if you prefer to keep it simpler, the Quick Picks section presents a variety of representative pick sets for popular contests hosted on major sites like ESPN and Yahoo. It includes pick sets for both season and weekly prize scoring, for confidence and fixed point pools, and provides sample picks for different sizes of weekly prize pools.
Data Grid
The Data Grid is the key page to review all the key metrics on every team, every week. It lists every team, its opponent, projected win odds (both from our models and as implied by recent betting lines), and the team’s projected pick popularity based on data from a collection of large national pick’em contests. The point spread section also shows the point spread being used by Yahoo pools, and the public pick popularity for each spread pick in Yahoo pools.
News And Notes
In our news and notes section, we provide near-daily updates on league news that could impact your pick’em pool picks. This includes breakdowns of weekly performance and key games, explanations of why certain picks are providing value and likely showing up in your pick set, and an ongoing review of breaking news, injury situations, betting line movement, and other dynamics impacting the NFL matchups.
Q&A Forum
Just as with our survivor product, our Football Pick’em Picks subscribers have access to a Q&A Forum. It provides a direct line to the team that built our Football Pick’em Picks product, offering you the opportunity to ask questions about how to use our tools, or about strategy relevant to your current situation. You can also see our responses to questions raised by other subscribers, which provides a great opportunity to learn more about the foundations of pick’em strategy.
Ready to give it a spin? Sign up for a free trial or learn more about our Football Pick’em Picks product.
Bowl Pick’em Pool Picks, Tools & Analysis
Come bowl season, we also offer a specific product for Bowl Pick’em Picks.
NCAA Bracket Picks, Tools & Analysis
Finally, our most popular product for pools is NCAA Bracket Picks for March Madness, which offers an even more advanced set of features.